Sunday, November 27, 2022

The dates couldn't be sweeter (or better) for you! They have a ton of health benefits, from heart health to bone strengthening, and we're focusing on them.

During the Ramadan we eat dates every day in iftar. But you can eat dates all year round if you want. Although we all eat dates more or less, its medicinal properties are unknown to many. Eating this fruit can cure many diseases.


 10 amazing benefits of dates you should know about!


Packed with nutrients, dates are a must-have source of iron. Keeping dates in the daily food list will increase the immunity of the body. Almost all nutritionists recommend keeping dates in the diet. Every 100 grams of dates contains 0.09 grams of iron.

According to nutritionists, most of the iron required by the body can be found in these dates. However, experts ask people with diabetes to keep dry dates on their diet.

Dry dates also contain useful minerals for the body. Dates have medicinal properties, and also fulfill the vitamin requirements of the body.

Antioxidants in dates boost immunity. It contains a lot of vitamins, minerals, calcium, potassium. So you can keep dates in your daily diet.

10 Benefits of the date

The next time you're craving something sweet, instead of going for sweets, go for dates. They are just as sweet and MUCH better for you. This natural delight is a delicious source of fiber, with high concentrations of potassium and vitamin A, among other vitamins and minerals. Here are ten reasons why you'll want to add dates to your shopping cart ASAP.

1/10 Fights anemia

Dates are essential for anemia patients. Dates provide about 11 percent of the iron required in a healthy person's body.

2/10 Sugar substitutes

Those who do not want to eat sugar, they can eat date juice and molasses. So you can eat dates to avoid sugar damage.

3/10 Keeps heart healthy

The various minerals in dates help to maintain the heart rate. So dates are very beneficial for heart health.

4/10 Control of high blood pressure

The sodium in dates regulates blood pressure. So dates should be kept in the diet of high blood pressure patients. Apart from this, due to the presence of lutein and zeaxanthin in dates, it keeps the retina healthy.

5/10 Strengthen bones

The copper, magnesium and selenium in dates keep the bone healthy and strong. Dates also help to prevent the risk of from osteoporosis which engenders bone fractures.

6/10 Promotes brain health 

Dates are enriched in choline and  vitamin B which are very useful for enhancing memory and managing neurodegenerative diseases such as Alzheimer’s disease. Dates also increase the learning capabilities, both in children and adults.

7/10 Helps Fight diabetes

Dates help to reduce the blood glucose levels by increasing the production of insulin. However, the researchers are still unaware exactly how dates help to manage diabetes.

8/10 The energy supplier

Dates are rich in natural sugars, such as glucose, sucrose, and fructose. In this way, the fruit can be the perfect appetizer to provide energy immediately, which also increases strength, thus reducing the feeling of fatigue and tiredness, a very attractive effect for those who practice physical activities, mainly to increase training income.

 9/10 Can Improve Fertility

The dates are replete with different vitamins which increase the libido and sperm count in males. So you can eat dates regularly to remain sexually fit.

10/10 Encourage Weight Gain

If you have difficulty gaining weight, dates are a healthy way to increase your body weight. While they are packed with nutrients, they are also packed with calories. A serving of four dates equals 270 calories.



Photo by VD Photography on Unsplash

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