Saturday, February 08, 2020

An easy, fast and very delicious way to lose weight, is through this strawberry smoothie with ginger, thanks to the properties of its ingredients that provide great benefits for your health and physical beauty
Losing weight does not have to become a sacrifice, because depending upon method it can be very pleasant as well. This remedy will become your favorite, because, in addition to effective weight loss, it also has a delicious flavor. We will show you how to prepare this strawberry smoothie with ginger to lose weight and have energy at the same time.

Strawberry Ginger Smoothie to Lose Weight and Have Energy

Spending only 10 minutes a day is enough to prepare this smoothie, and you will see how you begin to feel different. And, its ingredients bring great benefits to your body, which will eliminate those extra pounds.

Strawberry ginger smoothie

Strawberries are low in calories , and they also provide you with a large amount of fiber that helps to eliminate what you don't need from your body, causing you to lose weight. In addition, it gives a touch of delicious flavor, which you will love.

For its part, ginger is already known for its extensive slimming and anti-inflammatory properties, ideal for weight loss . As if that were not enough, it also contributes to good circulation, and to provide energy , so that you are active all morning.

Another of the ingredients that we will use for this effective drink is oat milk, which is a vegetable drink with many nutrients, which will also make you lose weight. Let’s take notes!


  • 8 Strawberries
  • 1 teaspoon grated ginger
  • 200 milliliters of oat milk
  • 1 teaspoon  honey (optional)


First, wash the strawberries very well and divide them into four parts. Then grate a teaspoon of ginger and add everything to the blender, including oat milk. You can add a little more milk if you think it is not enough. Blend the ingredients until they are perfectly integrated into a homogeneous cream.

You can sweeten with some honey or stevia, although it is preferable to take it natural. Drink it and enjoy its delicious flavor and benefits. We recommend you drink this delicious smoothie on an empty stomach, and accompany it with some physical activity during the day and a healthy diet.

Courtesy:  Photo by Boba Jaglicic on Unsplash

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