Tuesday, December 24, 2019

Cracked heels can be very unpleasant, but these 6 natural and home remedies will help you to get rid of them.
Our poor feet bear the weight of the body and take us from here to there; wouldn't it be nice to give a little attention to those cracked heels?

6 Best Home Remedies for Cracked Heels

In this article we will explain how to apply the 6 most effective home remedies to keep feet and heels beautiful and healthy.

1. Natural Peeling for Cracked Heels

Before doing any other treatment for cracked heels and before applying any other trick, this is the first step, as it is the most effective home remedy of all to regenerate the cracked skin of the heels and hydrate it in depth.

To make a natural peeling on cracked heels, follow these steps:
  • Mix a handful of Himalayan salt or unrefined sea salt in your hand with a dash of virgin olive oil. Rub your hands so that both elements blend well and apply it on the heels and all over the foot if you want. Make small circles so that the most superficial cells detach and accelerate the regeneration process of the innermost cells.
  • When you have done the peeling, rinse with plenty of water and dry your foot. This simple treatment will moisturize your feet like never before, nothing you had done ... you'll see!
  • Repeat this process once in a month, especially if you are of that kind of people who often get dry heels.

2. Honey for Cracked Heels

Honey is one of the natural substances with the greatest power to regenerate the skin. In fact, honey is great for healing wounds and burns, as it speeds up the process of cell regeneration, which is precisely what we need when we have dry and cracked heels.

A good time to do this treatment is before bedtime. To use honey on cracked heels, follow these steps:
  • Use organic honey, as it is the only one that crystallizes as it should. Take a honey ball the size of a chickpea and apply it on the heel (or take a little more and apply it over the entire foot). Rub lightly as you extend so that the honey slightly exfoliates the most superficial layers of the skin. Apply it as if it were a cream.
  • Since the honey is quite sticky, place a gauze around the heel and then put on a sock so you can walk around your house and move easily without spoiling the floor with honey.
  • Leave it like this for half an hour and remove with plenty of water.
ADVICE: If you do this treatment two or three times in a week, then you will be able to nourish the drier part of the heels and the appearance of your skin on your feet will be changed considerably.

3. Shea Butter for Cracked Heels

Shea butter is the closest thing to a cream that nature offers us. It is a type of butter obtained from the seeds of a fruit called Shea.

Shea butter is especially recommended for very dry skin and, of course, it is one of the best options for those parts of the body that dry out easily, such as elbows or heels. Of course, it is not the best option for oily skin, for example.

Shea butter is used as if it were an ordinary cream. That is, take a little and extend it by the cracked heel or the entire foot if you prefer. Use it as a foot cream every day and you will quickly notice the difference.

ADVICE: Of course, as always, our advice is to use pure and organic Shea butter to be able get benefit from all its authentic properties.

4. Jasmine Water for Cracked Heels

Although rose water is better known and easier to find (especially industrial fake rose water that is nothing but water and synthetic perfumes), it is a good option for oily skin or oily areas of the body, since which is slightly astringent and that does not help cracked heels at all .

And although it is more unknown to you, in this case we must talk about jasmine water that is the most convenient for dry areas and that, as the name suggests, it is extracted from the distillation process of jasmine essential oil. Its smell is incomparable and its application is very simple.

One of the easiest ways to use floral waters is as skin tonics, and this is how we will use jasmine water to hydrate and tone cracked heels.

ADVICE: Our advice is to use it this way: before applying any moisturizing product on the heel (such as a vegetable oil, Shea butter, honey, etc.), vaporize the heel with jasmine water as if it were a facial tonic, but on the feet. Without letting it dry, apply the moisturizing product. Of course, it should be used every day.

5. Banana Mask for Cracked Heels

Banana is undoubtedly the most suitable fruit to treat dry skin or any dehydrated body part such as cracked heels.

To apply a banana mask on cracked heels, follow these steps:
  • First, it is convenient to perform a peel as we have explained in Remedy No: 1.
  • Crush a banana in the blender or by hand until it becomes creamy.
  • Once the peeling is done, rinse with plenty of water and apply the banana mask all over the foot, more abundantly in the heel area.
  • Wrap your foot in plastic wrap and lie quietly in a comfortable place listening to your favorite music.
  • Unwrap and rinse with plenty of water.
  • Tone the foot with jasmine hydrolate and apply your hydration product (Shea butter, beeswax cream, vegetable oil, or whatever you use).
ADVICE: This mask should be done at least once a week.

6. Avocado Vegetable Oil for Cracked Heels

As you know, one of our favorite options to hydrate the skin of the face and body are vegetable oils, replacing industrial creams that are full of toxic and carcinogenic substances.

Among all the vegetable oils, avocado vegetable oil is most suitable for very dry skin or for dehydrated body areas such as cracked heels.

Using avocado vegetable oil is as easy as using a cream. It has a liquid texture and you should apply it as if it were a serum. To do this, put a few drops in your hand and then spread on the heel or the entire foot. You can also use it on elbows or any part of the body that you have really dehydrated.

ADVICE: Our advice is that, before using a vegetable oil, moisten the skin with a hydrolate or floral water. As in this case the one that is most convenient is jasmine, use it. That is, first vaporize the foot with jasmine water and, before it dries, apply the avocado vegetable oil.

Of course, this treatment should be done every day to keep the heel healthy and perfectly hydrated and nourished.

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