Wednesday, December 25, 2019

In addition to maintaining a series of basic care, our diet is essential to nourish our nails from the inside and to give them the nutrients they need to grow strong and healthy.
Do you want to have beautiful nails naturally? The hands are, perhaps, one of the most noticeable parts of our body, because they directly reveal an individual’s sense of hygiene, fashion sense, etc.

Next we are going to share those 6 natural ways to take care of your nails at home so that they remain strong and healthy. Just Aim!

How to keep your nails beautiful with simple tricks?

Nails are conceivably one of the most careful parts. Keep in mind that they grow steadily and usually accumulate environmental particles that can alter their appearance.

For this reason, beyond whether they decorate or not, it is essential to provide them with certain regular care. These will allow them to keep in good condition together with the hands.

Although an occasional professional manicure is a good choice, there are certain guidelines that can help to keep them beautiful and free of infectious agents. Here are the necessary tips to have beautiful nails naturally.

1. Eat Healthy

Like almost every aspect of our body, food plays a fundamental role in nail care. All nutrients that are absorbed through meals can help strengthen their structure to prevent breakage and to achieve a healthy appearance.

So from now on it will be wise if you increase your consumption of food with more calcium content. Also eat fruits and vegetables rich in vitamins and antioxidants. And, of course, drink more water a day to keep hydrated.

2. Cut Them Regularly

Long nails do not go out of style and facilitate many decorations that give them style. However, many people know that having them too long is a great risk of breaking at any time.

When they suffer from a break they can cause pain and even lead to annoying infections. Therefore, an essential step to keep them healthy at all times is to cut them to an appropriate length, so that they can withstand it.

3. Clean Them with Baking Soda

Being exposed to many environmental factors, it is common that they tend to acquire a yellowish tone that affects their beauty. Has this happened to you?
  • To whiten them in a natural way and strengthen them, rub them a little bit of baking soda with a damp toothbrush.
  • You can also add a few drops of lemon as an option, to enhance its bleaching action.

4. Wear Gloves on Household Chores

Chemical exposure of detergents and other household hygiene products is one of the main reasons for weakening nails. Therefore, avoid this bad habit.
  • To protect them from all these aggressive agents it is essential to wear gloves every time they are to be handled.

5. File Them Correctly

Filing the nails allows them to give a particular style and shape. In addition, it is a way to keep them with an adequate length to avoid breakage.
  • The best option is to do it in the same direction, since the sawing back and forth can weaken them.

6. Avoid the Use of Harmful Chemicals

Some products to be applied to the nails are composed of chemicals that can be harmful. Enamels contain some of them, but most are not strong enough to generate special damage.

It is essential to be very careful with removers containing acetone. This substance dries the skin, cuticles and nails, weakening them and generating serious problems.

Put all these recommendations into practice and you will notice that you will get beautiful nails naturally without having to invest much in them. Remember that the care must be taken regularly since nails are exposed to many factors that weaken them and generate alterations.

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