Sunday, January 05, 2020

To get a spotless and beautiful skin you do not need to spend a lot of money on costly creams and treatments, since nature also offers products with which you can have a beautiful and healthy face.

Want to know how to remove facial blemishes? Below we show will you the different home remedies to have a clean face without annoying spots.

Our face always requires a lot of care so that it looks bright, hydrated, clean and perfect. Following a   cleaning and hydration routine is the best method for a perfect face. It may not be an easy task, and it requires extra effort, but there are tricks to erase those annoying spots that appear on our face.

5 Ways to Remove Facial Blemishes

How to remove spots on the face: what causes spots?

Over the years, we are likely to begin to notice that we get spots on the face of a darker tone. This may be due to bad habits such as tobacco, excessive contact with the sun, or simply because of the aging of the skin.

Melanin is the pigment that gives skin color, and there are a number of factors that influence its appearance and development:
  • Hormonal changes: They can occur in many circumstances, but especially during pregnancy, taking contraceptives or menopause. These three factors generate a series of changes in metabolism that can cause facial blemishes.
  • Sun exposure: Excessive exposure to sunlight is dangerous for the skin. It is, perhaps, one of the biggest culprits in the appearance of spots on the face.
  • Bad habits: Tobacco and poor diet can cause facial spots.

How to remove facial blemishes: techniques that work

It is always convenient to use sunscreen every day, regardless of the season, because, whether summer or winter the sun's rays affect the skin. But there are home remedies for facial spots that work very well:
  1. Cucumber and clay mask: In addition to helping to remove facial blemishes, this mask is an excellent scrub that helps to remove facial fat and impurities, and leaves the skin good as new. We will need a tablespoon of clay and a quarter of liquid cucumber. Mix the two ingredients to obtain a very homogeneous dough, apply it on the face and leave on for 20 minutes. Rinse well with warm water. This process can be repeated once a week.
  2. Rice mask: It is a Japanese method that helps to eliminate skin blemishes, rejuvenates the face and provides a lighter shade and a very soft texture to the skin. You need three tablespoons of boiled rice, the leftover water in which the rice has been boiled, a tablespoon of milk, and two teaspoons of honey. Mix all the ingredients until you get a homogeneous paste. It is preferable to apply the mixture at night before sleeping and leave on for about 15 minutes. Remove the mask with warm water and you can repeat the process once a week.
  3. Onion mask with honey: With this mask you will benefit from the high content of vitamins A, B and C that will provide softness and brightness to the skin. In addition, it will also help to remove spots from your face. Chop the onion into pieces and blend until there is an onion puree. Apply and leave on for 15 minutes. Remove the mask with warm water.
  4. Strawberries, honey and yogurt: This mask cleanses, softens and also moisturizes the skin. It works best to remove facial blemishes. We will need a tablespoon of honey, a large strawberry or two small strawberries and half a cup of plain yogurt (not sugary). We will crush the strawberries well, and mix with honey and yogurt, until obtaining a homogeneous paste.  Apply it to the face and leave on for about 10 minutes and then remove with warm water.
  5.  The secrets of milk: Milk contains lactic acid, which drags dead cells from the surface of the skin, leaving it clean and revived. Take a cotton ball, soak it in milk and apply it to the spots. Leave it on overnight, rinse the next day.

Tips and tricks to reduce facial blemishes

  • Include foods rich in vitamin A, C and E, such as pepper, spinach, squash and vegetable oils in your diet. These types of food prevent skin aging, and the appearance of spots.
  • Potato slices on the skin are also a very effective homemade method, since they are rich in starch, which makes dark spots less visible. In addition, the potato brings brightness to the skin.
  • Quit smoking, because it ages greatly.
  • Always go outside with a face cream that is sunscreen.
  • Clean your skin every day, and moisturize it.

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