When heartburn continues over time, it can respond to other more complex pathologies.Heartburn is a very annoying burning sensation that appears when stomach acid returns to the esophagus, an organ through which food passes from the mouth to the stomach.That burning sensation begins in the lower part of the chest and reaches the throat.
It usually occurs after eating a heavy meal or while lying down.The sensation can last a few minutes or a few hours.In addition, burning may be accompanied by other symptoms such as stomach cramps, nausea and vomiting that, sometimes, are confused with the symptoms of a heart attack.
It is important to treat heartburn because over time, reflux can damage the esophagus.As a complement to the treatment recommended by a doctor, some natural remedies that could improve symptoms without side effects can be taken into account. Are you interested in meeting them?
Natural remedies for heartburn
These home remedies use ingredients that can be easily obtained without spending a lot of money. Let’s see:1. Baking soda with water
Baking soda is a natural remedy, which has the ability to neutralize the acids accumulated in the stomach, especially when they produce a burning sensation.It is included in the catalog of natural alkalis, since its pH is greater than 7.0 and can regulate acidity levels.We have to prepare it by diluting ½ tablespoon of baking soda (5 g) in a glass of water. However, avoid consuming it more than 2 times a day. In addition, it is advisable to check with your doctor to track your consumption history.
2. Natural yogurt
It helps to calm the digestive system while helping to prevent heartburn. It is advisable to eat yogurt 2 times a day.3. Aloe vera tea
The gel of the aloe vera plant has digestive properties that could improve symptoms such as inflammation and burning. Its cooling effect could reduce the discomfort caused by heartburn.We will need 1 aloe vera leaf and ½ liter of water. Extract the gel from the aloe vera leaf and mix it in the blender with half a liter of water. Consume half a glass of the resulting juice before each main meal.
4. Ginger tea
Ginger tea is another remedy used to relieve disorders associated with the digestive system.Ginger helps today treat nausea and neutralizes the acids caused by reflux. In addition, it stimulates the digestion and promotes the absorption of nutrients.Prepare the tea with ¾ medium ginger root and 2 cups of water (500 ml), once it has rested for a few minutes, strain it.It is recommended to take 20 minutes before each meal.
5. Lettuce leaf tea
Although less known than the previous ones, lettuce leaf tea is another remedy to treat heartburn.Its properties help to reduce acidity and stimulate the digestion after a heavy meal.For its preparation, we will need 3 lettuce leaves and 1 cup of water (250 ml). It is recommended to have a cup of lettuce leaf tea after each main meal.
6. Bubble gum
Chewing bubble gum increases the flow of saliva and in turn decreases the acidity in the stomach, protecting the esophagus from gastric acid. We will recommend gums that are sweetened with xylitol.Before you leave…
To prevent heartburn you may also try:- Drinking plenty of water during the day.
- Eating a healthy and low fat diet.
- Eating without haste and trying to chew well.
- Avoiding eating before bedtime.
- Stopping Smoking.
- Reducing the use of tight clothing in the abdominal area.
- Avoiding stress.
Courtesy: Image by Robin Higgins from Pixabay
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Thanks for sharing these remedies..To get rid from this problem the herbal acidity supplements is good.